Member since: 23/12/2014
Profile last updated: 23/12/2014
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Sexual Orientation :
Body Type:
Body Modification:
Moderate/Heavy Tattoos
Personality type:
Extroverted, Thinker, Eccentric/Eclectic, Sensitive, Stubborn
Looking For:
Men for relationships
Relationship Status:
Single and looking.
Seeking relationship type:
Long-term & serious relationship
Relationship Intimacy:
I like spending a lot of time together
As a lover I am:
Very passionate and sentimental
Seeking age range:
Open to any age - Age is just a number
Has Children:
No Children
Wants Children:
Some College
Spiritual-but not religious
I don't smoke, Light drinking
Artistic Talent & Interest:
Film/Video, Photography
Sex Drive:
Healthy & strong
Zodiac Sign:
Aquarius (January 20 - February 19)
Top movies, books, bands, composers, musical artists:
irreversible, adaptation, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
How I describe the person I'll like to meet:
someone respectful, who wants to enjoy life with me, who likes the outdoors but also enjoy cuddling and watching a movie :)
i will accept your bad days and try to make you feel better and enjoy the good ones with you.
i will accept your bad days and try to make you feel better and enjoy the good ones with you.
About Myself:
i am here because i am tired of being alone with my thoughts.. i would like to meet someone who knows what its like to have ups and downs and who will be there for me as i will be there for him, all judgements aside.
i´ve been through a series of traumas in my life so i was diagnosed with bipolar, then borderline, but to tell you the truth, i´m pretty sure i have PSTD. i stopped working four years ago when my father past away and it is a concern i have, being able to not feel useless... anyway, for some reason, always enjoyed life way too much to let the bad thoughts get to me :)
i know i live far away from most people but we live in the same world if you think about it.