Frequently Asked Questions
What is ChemicalPulse?
We are a progressive, open-minded environment:
Break free from the mainstream, meet other singles outside of the mainstream mindset. Meet someone next door, not the next time zone over. We provide a progressive, interactive dating environment which allows singles to break free from traditional boring dating. Click here to read about ChemicalPulse.com online dating.
What are our features?
We are a progressive, open-minded environment:
Break free from the mainstream, break free from mainstream dating. Meet others who date outside of the mainstream mindset. We provide a progressive, interactive, rich dating environment which allows singles to break free from the mainstream mindset and tradition.
More local members:
Detailed Searches:
Our detailed search tools allows you to find an exact match, save your searches for later.
Detailed Profiles:
Detailed and personalized profiles, answer as many questions are you wish. Browse through full featured profiles.
Browse Photos:
Browse through member photo albums.
Create or read blogs (Online Journal).
Join or create Chatrooms.
Instant Messaging:
Privately talk to singles in real time, send files and photos.
Create or join a group, find others with common interests.
CP Stream:
Grab more attention by posting a message publicly.
Personal CP Stream:
Post updates & messages publicly on your profile page.
Personalized photo albums:
Create photo albums, upload as many photos as you wish, browse through tons of photo albums.
How do I join?
Click here to join and follow the directions on the following page.
Important: Please make sure you register using your main e-mail address. Otherwise, you might not get message notifications, important e-mail notices from ChemicalPulse.com or notifications from any members trying to contact you. If you should ever forget your password, you might end up getting locked out of your account. Please check your e-mail for a verification code/link after the first sign-up step. Upload a Photo of yourself, fill out your profile, and start contacting members right away. - Back to top
I forgot my password. How do I get it back?
If you forgot or lost your password, please click here to use the password retrieval page. Use it to login into your account and then go to your account settings page and change it to one which you could remember easily. Changing your system generated password will help to prevent you from forgetting your password.
I recently joined, why haven't I received my welcome/registration verification E-mail?
You would need to check your spam/bulk mail folder and look for an e-mail with the subject: "Welcome to ChemicalPulse.com!"
To prevent missed e-mails from ChemicalPulse in the future; Please add
this e-mail to your e-mail address book:
Many times e-mail clients and webmail e-mail services have by default very strict spam/bulk/junk mail settings, and many times legitimate e-mails are sent there.
The best way to prevent missed e-mails from ChemicalPulse in the future, is to go into your e-mail settings or account settings, go to your spam/bulk mail security settings and add this e-mail address:
to the allowed list under your mail filter settings.
Another way is to add the e-mail address:
to your e-mail account's address book.
On an e-mail client (such as Outlook, etc), one way to stop your chemicalpulse.com e-mail notifications from going into the spam/bulk/junk folder is to check your spam/bulk/junk mail folders and search
for any e-mail with the address: or to search for e-mails with the name or subject; chemicalpulse.com and select it and label it as not spam/junk.
Or, if you are using webmail, (such as gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc) you could go into your spam/junk/bulk mail folder and look for an e-mail from chemicalpulse.com, select it and label it as not spam/junk.- Back to top
Why can't I view any e-mails from the website?
If any e-mails from the website are not displaying
properly, it is because your e-mail account/client
is either blocking HTML/graphic e-mails, or it cannot
support HTML/Graphic e-mails. You would need to go
into your e-mail account or e-mail client settings (if you are using a client like outlook, etc) or options (if you are using web based e-mail, such as gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc)
and allow HTML/Graphic e-mails. If you wish to block
other e-mails with HTML/Graphics but would like to
still be able to view e-mails from ChemicalPulse.com,
please add this e-mail address to your address book:
Why am I not receiving any e-mail notifications from the website?
E-mail clients and webmail e-mail services usually have very strict spam/bulk/junk mail settings by default. Sometimes legitimate e-mails are sent there accidentally, so it is wise to check this folder from time to time to make sure no legitimate e-mail messages are being sent there.How to fix this problem:
The best way to prevent missing e-mails from our website is to go into your e-mail settings/account settings/options and go to your spam/bulk mail security settings. Add this e-mail address: to the allowed list under your mail filter settings.
If you are using an e-mail client (such as Outlook, etc): Check your spam/bulk/junk mail folders for e-mail messages with the name or subject; chemicalpulse.com, select it and set it as not spam/junk and move it to inbox.
If you are using webmail, (such as gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc): Check your spam/bulk/junk mail folders for e-mail messages with the name or subject; chemicalpulse.com, select it and set it as not spam/junk and move it to inbox. - Back to top
How do I use the Instant Messenger/IM to Instant message someone?
Once you are logged in, you can click any icon/text that says “Instant Message” or Send a Chat / IM on any profile page, or any search result listing. Once you click on “Instant Message” or Send a Chat / IM it would open up a small window on the bottom of the screen, on the black bar at the bottom of the page. You can then send a message if the user is online.
See the image below:
Another way is to add the person to your Friend’s list, by clicking on “Add to Friends”, or on their profile page clicking “Add (member) to Friends”. Once they accept your Friends Request, they will show up as either online or offline on the ChemicalPulse Chat/IM bar on the bottom of the screen. You can click on the “Who’s Online “ tab on the Chat/IM bar at the bottom of the screen on every ChemicalPulse.com page.
You can have multiple Instant Messaging sessions at the same time using the ChemicalPulse IM bar. Clicking on another "Instant Message" link on someone profile will just open another Instant Message button/tab on the ChemicalPulse Chat/IM bar.
See the image below:
How do I use the ChatRooms or create my own?
Once you are logged in, you can click on the icon on that black bar at the bottom of the screen. It would open up a window that has a list of Chatrooms. You can also create your own room and invite people from your friends list.See image below:
How do I get started with ChemicalPulse?
Join & create a ChemicalPulse.com account. During the registration process you will have an opportunity to upload your main photo. You can also upload photos later and set one as your main account/profile photo. Complete your profile, then browse or search our member profiles and start contacting members. You can also invite friends to join ChemicalPulse. - Back to top
How is my privacy protected?
ChemicalPulse does not sell any information we collect from our users to third-party companies. Once you join ChemicalPulse, you'll decide exactly what others can learn about you by creating and editing your profile. For more information on how ChemicalPulse values your right to control your personal data, please read our privacy policy. - Back to top
How do I upload a picture?
During the registration process you will have an opportunity to upload your main photo. You can also upload photos later and set one as your main account/profile photo. Go to the main navigation bar - click on MY CHEMCIALPULSE, from there click MY PHOTOS.
On the My Photos page click on an existing photo album or Create a Photo Album (make sure you select "Everyone" when creating an album if you wish to let everyone access it). Write a title or name for your album and click save. Go back to MY PHOTOS and go to the album of your choice to upload an image to. Click on the "Upload" link on the Album box.
Click where it says "Photo" and browse for your photo. You can upload up to 3 images at once. (You can only upload a photo that is in .JPEG/.JPG format. Most digital camera and cell phone photos are in this format). Then click upload. Once the image(s) are done uploading you would to go a page saying "Your photo has successfully uploaded". If you wish to set your picture as your main picture (which will show up on searches and on your profile) where it says manage, click on the link that says "Set as Main". - Back to top
How do I post a CP Blog?
Once you have joined ChemicalPulse, go to the main navigation bar, then click on CP BLOGS. Under the main navigation click CREATE CP BLOG! Follow the directions on the page. To edit your CP Blogs click on MY CP BLOGS! - Back to top
How do I create a GROUP?
Once you have joined ChemicalPulse, go to the main navigation bar, then click on GROUPS, Under the main navigation click on CREATE A GROUP. Follow the directions on the page. To edit your personal GROUPS (The ones you have created yourself) click on MY GROUPS. - Back to top
How do I send a Message to someone?
1. When a search is done and the results display, on the member brief box (the box that holds the picture and brief description of the user and other info). You will see a text link: "SEND A MESSAGE".
2. When viewing someone's profile: under Contact Options: Send A Message or Under My Options; Click on "SEND A MESSAGE".
See the image below:
How do I delete my account?
To delete your account, log into your account, go to MY CHEMICALPULSE -> My Account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to where it says: Account Cancellation. Enter your password and click on the delete button. Your account will be deleted. You will lose all photos and all account information. Your billing cycle will stop and depending on when you closed your account, you will not be billed for the next month/cycle. If you closed your account right after a billing cycle has started, you will be billed for that cycle/billing month since it already began and was paid for in advance. - Back to top
How do I invite my friends to use ChemicalPulse?
Every page on our website has an invite link that lets you send out an invitation to your friends or anyone else. Click on the Invite! link and enter the e-mail addresses(s) for your invitees. - Back to top
Is my personal data or payment data secured on ChemicalPulse?
ChemicalPulse.com will not sell, lease or exchange your personal data to third parties without your written permission to do so. - Read more on our privacy policy.
ChemicalPulse.com does not store any payment/credit card data on its servers. ChemicalPulse uses secure electronic payment service providers that incorporate an extremely high level of security & encryption. The electronic payment service providers automatically encrypt all sensitive information sent between your computer and their servers. - Back to top