1. Only join ChemicalPulse.com if you are serious about dating, relationships, and romance.
2. Your main photo must be of you only and show your whole face. This restriction does not apply to photos you may choose to upload to your photo albums.
3. One account per individual. Holding multiple accounts is not permitted under any circumstances.
4. Do not create accounts for your friends.
5. All members must be 18 years of age or older to join.
6. No hateful, racist, prejudice content or harassment.
7. No spam or posting the same messages many times over.
8. No harassment will be tolerated.
9. No fake profiles or photos. We will ban/delete accounts that we believe to have fake photos.
10. No copyrighted material and no advertisements. This applies to all parts of the site, including your profile.
11. Explicit nudity (genitals) or highly suggestive content is not allowed.
12. Illegal activity.
Offences that will get an account banned/deleted:
The following offences are likely to get you banned. We do not want to ban anyone since banning is considered to be a last resort solution.
1. Previously banned members. Bans are not negotiable.
2. Malicious intentions.
3. Underage. Underage users will be banned/deleted without warning.
4. Fake / Multiple accounts.
5. Repeat Offenders. Most rule violations will get you a warning. Generally speaking, if you give us the impression that you intend to cooperate with us, you will not be banned. Users who continuously violate the rules despite warnings will be banned/deleted.
6. Excessive Advertising. If your sole purpose on being a ChemicalPulse member is advertising a business or another website, your account may be banned.
7. Illegal Activity. All violations will result in immediate bans.